Study Leave Process Flowchart 2025
Process for Discretionary Courses 2025
Foundation Study Leave Guidance
How will I know which courses are mandatory, and therefore covered by the study budget?
How do I request approval for Study Leave for a course which is not on the Study Leave lists for my specialty?
Is there an upper limit to how much I can claim from the study budget?
How do I make the case for an discretionary educational/training course/experience to be covered by study budget?
I am applying to my TPD for approval for an discretionary course. How long will this process take?
I am not sure who my Training Programme Director (TPD) is. How do I find out?
Can I get study leave to study for a professional exam? How much study leave am I entitled to for this private study?
A course does not require funding but requires study leave. How do I apply for this?
I am doing an online course - can I get study leave/budget to do it?
I am a GP trainee on a hospital rotation, will the new process for accessing study leave and funding apply to me?
I am on maternity leave. Can I still access the study budget or study leave?
I am a Palliative Medicine trainee, how should I apply for study leave and funding?