How do Trusts claim reimbursement for Study Leave claims?
How are we informed if there have been any changes to the speciality lists?
The study leave reimbursement template requires us to specifically select which programme the trainee is in but I am not sure of the right programme?
Some courses listed state that a trainee should only attend once during their training. How do we know if a trainee has previously attended?
We run a course locally for trainees that previously we did not charge trainees to attend but instead paid for this out of the Study Leave budget. How can we fund these in the new process?
Do we need to include details of Study Leave which has no funding attached on our returns to HEE?
What do we do if a trainee applying for study leave expenses is on an honorary contract with our trust?
Is there a time limit on processing claims submitted by trainees?
What do I do if a trainee submits a late claim relating to an event undertaken in the previous financial year?
One of our new Trainees has asked for reimbursement of training costs incurred in their previous placement, with a different Employing Trust. Can we reimburse the Trainee or should they apply through their former Trust?
What is the guidance on prospective cover for study leave?