Will universities be informed of applicants ranking data?
How much time do applicants have to accept an offer with upgrades?
Are applicants able to upgrade offers more than once?
What is the timeline for the offers process and when does the entire recruitment process end?
Is it likely that applicants will receive an upgrade to a non-preferenced programme?
Can offers come from both hospital and community?
What happens to applicants who are deemed appointable at the SJT/Numeracy exam but then fail their undergraduate degree?
Can an applicant accept an offer from both the National and Scotland Schemes?
When do applicants meet their employers and should applicants make contact with their employers?
What happens to applicants who receive an unsatisfactory reference? How and when are employers made aware that their potential employee has an unsatisfactory reference?
What happens if two applicants get the same assessment score and the same preferences?
Can an applicant make a direct approach for a post within the scheme? e.g. if they were a summer vacation student?
What can I do if I need reasonable adjustments at work?