What is Period of Grace?
How long is my Period of Grace?
I am a core trainee, do I qualify for a Period of Grace?
What happens if I am successful in obtaining a consultant post before I start my Period of Grace?
How do I request my Period of Grace?
Is my Period of Grace automatic?
What happens to my NTN in my Period of Grace?
When will I receive notification of my Period of Grace placement?
Can I request where I would like to be placed for my Period of Grace?
Can I decline the Period of Grace offer?
How much notice do I need to give to resign my Period of Grace?
What happens to my Grace Period if I do not achieve my CCT/ CESR (CP)?
Am I still a trainee during my Period of Grace?
I have obtained a consultant post, how do I resign from my Period of Grace? (resignation)
What happens if I go on statutory leave in my grace period? (change in circs)